Practice, Practice, Practice - Day 5
On December 31, 2014 I set the goal of doing my 9 Daily Health Practices every day during January 2015. Day 5 was a smooth day.
I woke up early to teach another Foundation Training class. This time it was a repeat client who I have been working with for the last four weeks. She has been showing great progress. We have been able to help her stabilize her knees when walking and her lower back strength has been improving consistently. I truly love helping people better their health.
After the class I had to run some errands and write the blog entry for Day 4. During the following hours I had a healthy meal and did some more work. This time I remembered to get up from the chair and stretch every 30 minutes. Around 2 p.m. I took a break, did some breath work and drew.
I went back to work and three hours later I found myself doing a 90 minute practice combining Foundation Training, Yoga, Qi Gong and Self Massage. I also danced for a good 10 minutes in between. By now you may have noticed that I like to switch things around and keep my practices flexible to treat myself with what I feel I need instead of what I think I need. “The body knows more than the mind can remember and remembers more than the mind can know. It's written in the bones.” – Unknown
An hour later I was singing in my car, driving back to teach more Foundation Training classes in Santa Barbara. I have a new schedule starting this week and I am very excited. Below is a photo of the flyer I made. Hopefully I get to see some of you in class! =D

As soon as I arrived home I parked the car and went on a short walk. During the walk I used a simple Vipassana walking meditation technique. It consists on moving slowly, noticing each movement and simply thinking “left foot forward, right foot forward, left foot forward, right foot forward…” It is not my favorite meditation but it does help calm the mind. Give it a try!
Yesterday was not as eventful as Day 4, but an equally good opportunity to practice mindful health.
Day 6 will bring more opportunities as well, I hope you take advantage of them!
Wishing you well,
- Bruno Treves