Private Yoga Classes in Boulder and Online
Yoga is an ancient and modern system of health that applies a diversity of techniques and practices to help individuals improve health challenges at the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels. Traditionally, yoga was taught one-on-one through what today we would call private classes. The great ancient teachers understood the importance of individualizing each yoga experience to meet the needs of each individual student. During a private yoga session you can start a new practice, deepen your current practice or spend more time working with an injury or specific goal or concern.
Private yoga classes are beneficial for beginner students who need a basic understanding of yoga and how to safely incorporate into any group class. Private sessions can also help avoid injury during group classes by providing a strong foundation and insight into the main yoga poses and sequences normally used in most studios in the west.
If you have specific goals, my private yoga classes in Boulder and online can help you focus on your objectives, allowing for faster results and a broader range of benefits. Working with a private yoga teacher will allow you to know which styles of yoga are best suited for your goals and needs and how to transit to these classes.
Private yoga sessions can benefit experienced practitioners by providing focused feedback on alignment and movement patterns as well as shining light into any blind spots that the student may have overlooked . Cues and modifications can make the difference between taking your practice to the next level and meeting with an injury down the road.
Group classes can be fun, energizing and a great social experience, however, in a group class the teacher is not able to deliver the individualized attention and guidance that you may need. Private yoga instruction is a great way to begin, return or advance your yoga experience. Consider trying private classes as a complement to group classes and find out how much it can improve your practice.
Private yoga sessions can be very similar to yoga therapy session in which the student is given a specific regimen of postures, breathing exercises, and relaxation techniques to suit individual needs. Medical research shows that yoga therapy is among the most effective complementary therapies for several common aliments such as musculoskeletal issues like lower and upper back pain, sciatica, and shoulder, neck and hip pain. The applications of yoga therapy range anywhere from maintaining health, to recovering from illness - in some cases, even those considered incurable.
By promoting the flow of prana (universal life force) yoga helps remove energetic blockages, restoring health through all levels of the body. Common applications for yoga therapy help serve structural problems such as spine misalignments or joint function. Deeper applications may even aid more intractable problems such as AIDS and cancer. Other applications can include managing high blood pressure, cancer and cancer treatments, HIV symptoms, depression or anxiety. Private yoga can be used as a complement for other medical treatments and forms of physical therapy. Private sessions take a holistic approach that take into account that back pain may be related to an emotional element, or it may be from lifestyle, some pattern that is not serving them, physical movement patterns or other patterns.
These private yoga classes in Boulder and online utilize tools and techniques from different styles and branches of yoga and are design to fit the individual's condition, needs and goals. After a session, the student can receive a specific practice to perform on his or her own, these practice is updated according to the progress the student shows over time.
Private yoga instruction allows for a stronger relationship between the teacher and student. These private yoga classes can integrate tools and techniques from other disciplines, such as deep tissue massage, acupressure and myofascia release. While yoga therapy is not a cure, it can improve the quality of life, and may augment the efficacy of clinical treatment.
Our Yoga Classes in Boulder and Online Can Help:
Improve Blood Pressure. A consistent yoga practice decreases blood pressure through better circulation and oxygenation of the body. These two exercises can help lower blood pressure.
Improve Circulation. Yoga improves blood circulation. By transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout your body, yoga practice provides healthier organs, skin, and brain.
Improve Respiration. Like the circulatory system, a lower respiratory rate indicates that the lungs are working more efficiently. Yoga decreases the respiratory rate through a combination of controlled breathing exercises and better fitness.
Improve Cardiovascular Endurance. A combination of lower heart rate and improved oxygenation to the body (both benefits of yoga) results in higher cardiovascular endurance.
Improve Organ Function. Yoga practice massages internal organs, thus improving the ability of the body to prevent disease. Additionally, an experienced yoga practitioner becomes better attuned to her body to know at first sign if something isn’t functioning properly, thereby allowing for quicker response to head off disease.
Improve Digestion. Gastrointestinal functions have been shown to improve in both men and women who practice yoga.
Reduce and Alleviate Pain. Pain tolerance is much higher among those who practice yoga regularly. In addition to pain tolerance, some instances of chronic pain, such as back pain, are lessened or eliminated through yoga (see below for more on back pain).
Increase Metabolism. Having a balanced metabolism results in maintaining a healthy weight and controlling hunger. Consistent yoga practice helps find the balance and creates a more efficient metabolism.
Improve Posture. The very nature of yoga teaches the practitioner how to hold and control one’s body in a more healthful position. Through consistent practice, your posture will improve so that you look more confident and healthy.
Increase Strength. One of the premises of yoga is that you are using the weight of your own body for overall strength. Find out more about how yoga works as an excellent method of strength training in this article.
Increase Energy. Regular yoga practice provides consistent energy. In fact, most yogis state that when you perform your yoga correctly, you will feel energized after your yoga session rather than tired.
Loose Weight. The benefits of a better metabolism along with the exercise of yoga work to keep your weight in check. Additionally, the stretching of muscles longwise helps to reduce the amount of cellulite that can build around muscles.
Improve Sleep. Because of the many benefits to both body and mind that a yoga routine can provide, many find that their sleep is much better. Read here for more on sleep and yoga, as well as some positions for helping induce sleep.
Improve Balance. An integral part of the yoga practice is balance and control over your body. With a consistent practice, you will find that your overall balance will improve outside the yoga class.
Improve Core Strength. With a strong body core, you receive better posture and overall body strength. A strong core helps heal and reduce injuries. This is why a lot of athletes do yoga as cross training (boxers, MMA fighters, etc). Read how this swimmer uses yoga to strengthen her core and improve her swimming.
Improve Mood. Overall well-being improves with yoga practice. The combination of creating a strong mind-body connection, creating a healthy body, and focusing inward can all lead to improvement in your mood.
Reduce Stress. The concentration required during yoga practice tends to focus your attention on the matter at hand, thereby reducing the emphasis you may have been putting on the stress in your life. Read more about yoga and stress management here.
Reduce Anxiety. One benefit to the controlled breathing used in yoga is a reduction in anxiety. Learn more about how you can use yoga breathing to reduce your anxiety.
Reduce Depression. Some believe the negative feelings that you may be repressing are brought to the surface during some types of yoga exercise. When this happens, the negative energy is no longer stuck within you, but released through exercise. Regularly releasing this negativity leads to a reduction of depression in many people.
Bring Self-Acceptance. Focusing inward and realizing through your yoga practice that perfection is not the goal, self-acceptance begins to take over. This post describes how success is not measured by perfectionism in yoga.
Improve Self-control. The controlled movements of yoga teach you how to translate that self-control to all aspects of your life.
Stimulate a Positive Outlook on Life. Continued practice of yoga results in a balance of many hormones and nervous system, which brings about a more stable, positive approach to life.
Increase Relaxation. Concentrating so intently on what your body is doing has the effect of bringing calmness. Yoga also introduces you to meditation techniques, such as watching how you breathe and disengagement from your thoughts, which help calm the mind.
Clean Lymphatic System. Your lymphatic system boosts your immunity and reduces toxins in your body. The only way to get your lymphatic system flowing well is by movement. The specific movements involved in yoga are particularly well-suited for promoting a strong lymphatic system.
Lower Risk of Injury. Due to the low impact of yoga and the controlled aspect of the motions, there is a very low risk of injury during yoga practice compared to other forms of exercise.
Activate Parasympathetic Nervous System. In many forms of exercise, the sympathetic nervous system kicks in, providing you with that fight-or-flight sensation. Yoga does the opposite and stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic system lowers blood pressure and slows the pace of your breathing, which allows relaxation and healing.
Improve Muscle Tone. Consistently practicing yoga leads to better muscle tone.
Improve Breathing. With yoga, breathing is more natural and controlled during exercise. This type of breathing provides more oxygen-rich air for your body and also provides more energy with less fatigue.
Improve Joint Range of Motion. A study at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine indicated that joint range of motion was improved by participants who practiced yoga.
Endurance. Working the entire body, yoga improves endurance and is frequently used by endurance athletes as a supplement to their sport-specific training.
Osteoporosis. It is well documented that weight-bearing exercise strengthens bones and helps prevent osteoporosis.
Reduce and Alleviate Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Individuals with carpal tunnel syndrome who practiced yoga showed greater improvement than those who wore a splint or received no treatment at all. Researchers saw improved grip strength and reduction of pain in the study participants.
Reduce Asthma. There is some evidence to show that reducing symptoms of asthma and even reduction in asthma medication are the result of regular yoga.
Reduce and Alleviate Arthritis. The slow, deliberate movement of yoga poses coupled with the gentle pressure exerted on the joints provides an excellent exercise to relieve arthritis symptoms. Also, the stress relief associated with yoga loosens muscles that tighten joints.
Reduce Multiple Sclerosis. Yoga is now recognized as an excellent means of MS management.
Reduce and Alleviate Muscular Dystrophy. Using yoga in the early stages of muscular dystrophy can help return some physical functions. The practice of Pranayama yoga helped one teen regain many of his abilities lost to muscular dystrophy.
Reduce and Manage Scoliosis. Yoga can straighten the curvature of the spine associated with scoliosis.Find out how this yogi cured her scoliosis and continues to help others as well.
Reduce and Manage Sciatica Pain. The intense pain associated with sciatica can be alleviated with specific yoga poses.
Reduce and Eliminate Back Pain. Yoga reduces spinal compression and helps overall body alignment to reduce back pain.
