Shamans and Whales - The Story of Our World
This poem came to me like a lightning bolt. It was finished in no-time, as if it was meant to be written and shared with the world. Enjoy...

More than drugs or any surgeons More than prayers and techniques More than medicine and doctors You just need to believe Release your...

Many have come before you And many will come behind, Many are lost and suffer So it is better to be kind. Many have been punished And...

I release useless fears, I release useless grief, I release useless anger, To become a single piece. I let go of all anxiety, And the...

Human Goddess
I’ve seen you in white I’ve seen your colors Love for God And earthly odors I’ve seen you smile I am sure there are tears Shinning hearts...

My God
You are wide and space-less You are big and small Arised from nothing Creator of all. Never seen Never known Always present Always Gold....

Searching For Truth
I am, I am I am, I am I am, I am I am, Are You? - Bruno Treves Bruno Treves is an artist, writer and poet. In his spare time he enjoys...

Writing Through You
What do we need for poetry? But openness to write. No rules or perfect placement Any moment, any site. . Self-expression has no value ...

Flying Torch
Honesty finds me yelling. Words I dare not speak. Lost in this intimacy, I see and I repeat. Complete is my integrity, Integral is my...

Lovers' Paradox
I love you and you love me, But I can’t love you until you open. You won't open until you are safe, And you won't be safe until you are...