Standing Founder Exercise - Foundation Training Basics
One of the key exercises in Foundation Training is the Standing Founder exercise. In this article, we'll explore the benefits.

Fruitarian Bodybuilder Meets Organic Superfoods
Becoming a fruitarian bodybuilder is no easy feat. Eating a fruit-only diet requires a lot of discipline and dedication. As a bodybuilder...

What is Foundation Training, and How Can it Help Relieve Chronic Back Pain
What is Foundation Training, and How Can it Help Relieve Chronic Back Pain? Foundation Training is a system of exercises that focuses on...

Foundation Training Review, a New Take
The discomfort extended from my lower back up to my neck, it was excruciating. I wrote this Foundation Training review to share my story.

The Foundation Training Principles
Foundation Training is based on four core principles that can be applied to everyday movements.

Understanding Muscle Chains
In 2009, Thomas Myers published a ground breaking textbook called “Anatomy Trains”. His book focused on explaining the structure and...

What is Foundation Training?
The Foundation Training program includes 18 body-weight exercises to improve your posture and movement patterns. Most people only need...

How Our Posture Affects Our Health
Gravity constantly pushes down on our bodies. It compresses every one of our cells towards the ground. When we stand, walk, jump and move...

Quick Review of Dr. Eric Goodman’s New Book, True To Form
True to Form by Dr. Eric Goodman brings to fruition eight years of intense study on how to best approach dozens of common ailments caused by

How to Overcome The Fear of Selling. 20 Tips and Helpful Advice
Since the beginning of time I have had a tremendous resistance to selling things. Weather it is my own product or service, or whether it...