Quick Review of Dr. Eric Goodman’s New Book, True To Form
True to Form by Dr. Eric Goodman brings to fruition eight years of intense study on how to best approach dozens of common ailments caused by

Teaching a Free Foundation Training Class in Boulder/Louisville, Colorado
I just finished teaching a free Foundation Training class at a yoga studio called Figure Yoga in Louisville, Colorado. It was my first...

Foundation Training Instructor Certification with Dr. Eric Goodman
Foundation training is something different altogether. Corrective exercise with an emphasis on expanding your strength from the inside...

Dr. Eric Goodman Teaches How to Do The Founder, Foundation Training’s Best Exercises for Posture
How to Do the Founder: One of the most important things you can do for your health is to strengthen the posterior chain of muscles on the...

Foundation Training, Our Solution to Chronic Pain
In this short video, Dr. Eric Goodman shares his views on how most people in the United States is responding to pain and injury. Dr....

Dr. Eric Goodman Teaches The Founder, Foundation Training’s Main Exercises for Good Posture and Lowe
This is one of my favorite free Foundation Training videos in Youtube. In this video, Dr. Eric Goodman and Chad show you how to perform Foun

Foundation Training Review by Bruno Treves
The first time I found out about Foundation Training I was in my apartment in San Diego reading an email from a family friend. The email...