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One Love Fest, Santa Barbara Eco-Village Massage Team & Bodywork Squad

Hello Dear Ones,

We have been invited as honorary guests to participate at the One Love Fest festival. We will be representing the Santa Barbara Eco-Village and bringing with us our “Bodywork Squad”. Our team will be offering massage and bodywork at the festival to raise awareness and collect donations for Eco-Village projects. We are inviting massage therapists in Santa Barbara and anyone who wants to help with our booth and/or camp with us. If you want to participate send an email to

We are going as a team, with a cars leaving Santa Barbara on Friday morning and anther one leaving Saturday morning. (We may get more rides depending on the size of our group) The cars will return Sunday night and/or Monday depending on how many people we have and what our collective schedules look like. The plan is to camp together, work together and have fun together. It is going to be awesome!

For those massage therapists interested in being part of our team we are asking for a $100 up-front donation to pay for your discounted full-weekend pass, parking, t-shirt and some food to have by our booth. Each team member will be required to provide 4 hours of bodywork each day (you are welcome to do more) and all the profits will be split 50-50 between the Eco-Village fund and you. With this we are expecting that you will be able to make your $100 back plus some extra cash for you to take home while you help the Eco-Village raise some money for future projects. It is an awesome deal considering that you will have tons of time to enjoy the festival. Needless to say, you are also welcome to promote your private practice so feel free to bring your business cards and any other self-promoting material you may have.

The event is taking place at Lake Casitas from the morning of Friday, October 9 till the afternoon of Monday, October 12. We will be camping together by the lake so bring your camping gear, snacks and money to buy food.

You are welcome to join us on Friday, Saturday, Sunday and/or Monday. We are trying to accommodate everyone’s schedule. This is a team effort, Bruno Treves is taking the responsibility of organizing the group but we really appreciate you stepping in and helping as much as you can.

If you are interested in participating send an email to as soon as possible so that we can sign you up and count you in. I am sure we will have an amazing time and I hope you can join us. If you have any questions, comments or useful information please let us know.

Looking forward to seeing you there! =D

Bruno Treves, Founder of the Santa Barbara Eco-Village

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